Brambles has been mated again with Rob, she gave birth on 27th January 2016 to her second and final litter.

See Brambles 2nd Litter
All puppies now have new homes to go to.

This is the tale of our family member Bruno, the English Springer Spaniel, and his loving nature and fight against Lymphoma Cancer

I was retired early at the age of 42 due to medical reasons and we decided, that as the children were now leaving home, it was time to add to the family and get a dog.  We thought it would help to keep me active so we decided on an English Springer Spaniel.

We were lucky in finding Chris and Dave Jones, a breeder in Warrington, Cheshire who had one left, a Liver and White 10 week old male, called 'Brown Major', he was from Field Trials Champion stock.  For some reason the people who had initially wanted him, changed their minds - their loss was our gain.

We carried this little bundle now called Bruno home on my wife Sue's knee.  I was nervous of Sue's reaction as she is allergic to some animal’s hair, thankfully though, luck was with us and she had no reaction.

At 10 weeks old  He knew how to get your attention

Two weeks later we went to a family wedding taking our caravan and Bruno on his first holiday, his first job was to find the best bed.  As he grew he became a good looking and energetic much loved member of the family.

Later that year Sue, my wife, discovered she had cancer.  After her operation, we spent many weeks away in the caravan helping her recover and Bruno was there, always ready to jump up and give her a kiss and his love and affection which helped in so many ways.

He was there for Sue and also me.  We cannot measure the help he gave us to get through the life changing period of our lives.  Little did we know that we would be repaying his love in a similar way in the years ahead.


With his Mum and Dad

He loves water